Produse pentru reteta kare japoneza (54)

Samyang Chacharoni - Gust autentic de ramen cu pastă de fasole neagră coreeană și ulei de măsline.

Samyang Chacharoni - Gust autentic de ramen cu pastă de fasole neagră coreeană și ulei de măsline.

Samyang Chacharoni are Korean Chajang instant noodles. Easy and quick to prepare. Chajang is a soybean paste, which has its origin from China. The Chjang soybean paste is creamy, spicy and sweet. 140:grammes
orez - basmati - aburit - alb - boabe lungi

orez - basmati - aburit - alb - boabe lungi

riz 1kg - 5kg - 25kg - 50 kg basmati sella 1121 blanc jasmin long graines étuvé
Fulgi de cocos 250g

Fulgi de cocos 250g

Wiórki kokosowe otrzymuje się z miąższu orzecha palmy kokosowej, który najpierw się suszy, a później ściera na drobne wiórki. Miąższ jest bogaty w składniki odżywcze takie jak witaminy: C, E, K oraz z grupy B, minerały: cynk, fosfor, magnez, sód, potas, wapń i żelazo. Kokos i jego pochodne (wiórki, chipsy kokosowe, olej kokosowy) zawierają nasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone pochodzenia zwierzęcego powinny być ograniczane w codziennej diecie, jednak te pochodzące z kokosa są zbudowane ze znacznie mniejszych cząsteczek i przekształcane bezpośrednio na energię bez odkładania się w organizmie w postaci tłuszczu.Wiórki kokosowe zawierają ogromne zasoby błonnika, który jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu pokarmowego. Znajdziemy tam również niewielkie ilości białka i elektrolity, pozwalające na utrzymanie równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej organizmu.<strong>Skład:</strong> wiórki kokosowe&nbsp;<strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2695kJ/655k
Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Miliț - Pachet de miliț

Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi. Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Rougail de Cârnați Picant - Fabrica de Bere

Rougail de Cârnați Picant - Fabrica de Bere

Savourez à deux ce délicieux Rougail aux saucisses de Montbéliard et au piment l’Oiseau de la Réunion. Inspirée des meilleures brasseries, cette recette est sans colorants, sans arômes artificiels ni conservateurs.
Choco Susan - PÂNTECE

Choco Susan - PÂNTECE

Ingredients WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats *(sunflower*, cocoa*), WHEAT syrup*, Chocolate coating* (cocoa*, cane sugar*, cocoa butter*, aroma natural vanilla extract), SESAME seeds*, EGGS* and Leavening agent (ammonium bicarbonate). SPELT Ingredients SPELT WHEAT flour*, Nonhydrogenated vegetable oils and fats *(sunflower*, cocoa*), rice syrup*, Chocolate coating* (cocoa*, cane sugar*, cocoa butter*, aroma natural vanilla extract), SESAME seeds*, EGGS* and Leavening agent (ammonium bicarbonate Wheat Reference:Chsep2 Wheat Ean:8413115003873 Wheat Reference:Chse-g Wheat Ean:8413115003866 Spelt Reference:Chseep2 Spelt Ean:8413115004924 Spelt Reference:Chseeg Spelt Ean:8413115004931 Wheat Energetic Value:2321 Kj/556 Kcal Wheat Fat:35,4 G Of Which Saturates 18,2 G Wheat Carbohydrates:56,9 G. Of Which Sugars 20,9 G Wheat Protein:2,4 G Wheat Salt:0,1 G Spelt Energetic Value:2321 Kj/556 Kcal Spelt Fat:35,4 G Of Which Saturates 18,2 G Spelt Carbohydrates:56,9 G. Of Which Sugars 20,9 G Spelt Protein:2,4 G Spelt Salt:0,1 G Wheat Packages:Box Of 12 Packages Of 200 G Wheat Bulk:Box Of 3 Kg. Neto Spelt Packages:Box Of 12 Packages Of 200 G Spelt Bulk:Box Of 3 Kg. Neto
Căpșună Rabarbar - FRUCTE ROȘII

Căpșună Rabarbar - FRUCTE ROȘII

Teneur totale en fruits: Préparée avec 55 g de fruits pour 100 g de produit fini. Ingrédients et allergens: Fraise, rhubarbe, sucre, jus de citron, gélifiant: pectines de pomme. Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes pour 100g Energie 995/234 kJ kcal Mat ères grasses < 0.5 g Dont acides gras saturés < 0.1 g Glucides 57 g Dont sucres 43 g Proteins 0.6 g Sel 0.01 g La texture de la confiture de fraise et de rhubarbe établit un équilibre entre l’onctuosité et la texture naturelle des morceaux de fruits. Cela préserve l’authenticité des ingrédients, vous permettant de savourer la délicieuse combinaison de fraise et de rhubarbe à chaque bouchée. Poids:335g UGS:3 455 149 000 720
Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Cereale

Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Cereale

Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Céréales Colisage colis:24 UVC Colisage pallette:54 Colis Type produit:Pâte Tarif famille:Pates, Couscous et Semoules Tarif sous famille:PATES NORMALE
Rulouri de pește spadă în aluat

Rulouri de pește spadă în aluat

Un secondo piatto che esprime tutti i profumi del nostro mare, sapientemente rappresentato da una delle materie prime più amate: il pesce spada. Deliziosi involtini che racchiudono tanta golosità, ricoperti da una sfiziosa panatura, da assaporare insieme a un buon contorno
Tocăniță de iepure cu prune - Tocăniță de iepure cu prune gata de servit

Tocăniță de iepure cu prune - Tocăniță de iepure cu prune gata de servit

Maiski stoofpotje van konijn met pruimen, lekker malse stukken konijn op smaak gebracht met een bruine biersaus en malse, pitloze pruimen, een Vlaamse oerklassieker die iedereen, van jong tot oud, weet te appreciëren.
Sos Carbonara - Preparat uscat pentru sos Carbonara

Sos Carbonara - Preparat uscat pentru sos Carbonara

Le salse dry , si preparano senza uso del fornello La preparazione facile e veloce, le rende uniche per costi e qualità. Vanno bene per tutti gli usi di cucina, come condimenti, salse, ripieni, topping e impasti con altri ingredienti. Preparazione: Miscelare 100 g di preparato dry aggiungere 200/300 g di acqua, in base alla consistenza desiderata e 10 g di pecorino fresco. Stabile in forno, in abbattimento e surgelazione
Maioneză de orez - Un sos nou excepțional: fără ouă, fără colesterol, cu tot plăcerea

Maioneză de orez - Un sos nou excepțional: fără ouă, fără colesterol, cu tot plăcerea

È un prodotto unico, grazie alle sue eccezionali qualità! È cremosa, delicata, versatile: buona! Ha il 30% di Kcal e di grassi in meno rispetto ad una maionese tradizionale. È senza colesterolo, senza uova, senza glutine, senza lattosio.
Extracte de condimente pentru mese gata/preparate convenabile

Extracte de condimente pentru mese gata/preparate convenabile

Von der Industrie werden immer wieder innovative Produkte gefordert. Gerade der Bereich Fertigprodukte, Convenience erfordert immer wieder neue Ideen. Neben den gängigen Gewürzextrakten haben wir auch ein umfangreiches Sortiment für exotischere Gerichte.
Noodles Kletzen, Alimente, Găluște Umplute, Mese Gătite, Produse de Confort, Paste, Alimente Congelate

Noodles Kletzen, Alimente, Găluște Umplute, Mese Gătite, Produse de Confort, Paste, Alimente Congelate

Nach Großmutter's Rezept wird bei uns auch heute noch diese süße Spezialität der Kärntner Küche zubereitet. Die köstliche Fülle? Gedörrte Birnen (Kletzen), Topfen, Zimt und Zucker. Den typischen Geschmack erhält der Kasnudel durch die braune Minze. Einfach herrlich! ... Inhalt Packung: 50 Stück im PE-Beutel
Mafaldine tradițională Albastru-Alb-Inimă - Paste artizanală Albastru-Alb-Inimă

Mafaldine tradițională Albastru-Alb-Inimă - Paste artizanală Albastru-Alb-Inimă

Conditionnement : - sachet de 240 grammes Ingrédients : - Farine* de blé dur (Origine Poitou-Charentes) - Farine de lin jaune (Origine France) - Eau * Ingrédient allergène


MR RICE, Galette de Riz “FRESHROLL” 16CM (ROND) 40 X 300GR - GALETTE DE RIZ Réf:1303009
Copacul Japonez de Sfoară - 3_Extracte

Copacul Japonez de Sfoară - 3_Extracte

Japanischer Schnurbaum - 3_Extracts Specification/Active Ingredient:95% Quercetin Ursprung:China
Prepararea smântânii bătute profesionale

Prepararea smântânii bătute profesionale

Surprise your visitors with the most delicious desserts! Find out the secrets of the professionals in the kitchen in this blog. Just how do you make that soft, whipped cream and meringue? The secret is in nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide determines a lot for the flavor, texture, and longevity of the cream. By combining nitrous oxide with a whipped cream siphon, you can have delicious, creamy whipped cream made in just a few minutes. WE’VE LISTED THE STEPS BELOW FOR YOU: Remove the head from your whipped cream siphon, pour in the exact amount of cream that matches the size, along with sweetener or powdered sugar to taste, and reattach the head. Locate the N2O cartridge holder and unscrew it. Insert the hose from the nitrous oxide cream charger into the cartridge holder and unscrew the pressure regulator to release the nitrous oxide gas. Fill the whipped cream siphon. And tighten the cartridge holder again.
Varză uscată chineză - HoReCa

Varză uscată chineză - HoReCa

Peking cabbage was popular in Europe only in the Asian quarters until the middle of the 20th century. But in the past few decades, she has been at the peak of culinary popularity, including in Russia. Its nutritional value and excellent taste are preserved in the dried product. It is from dried Beijing cabbage that a delicious Korean soup of siriag-cook is prepared, as well as national dishes Namul, Ttige, and Bale. Companions of dried Chinese cabbage, helping her to reach her full taste potential, are garlic and onions. Use for Soups, sauces, marinades, dishes meat, poultry and game dishes. Taste Piquant, sweetish Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 26 Fats (g / 100g)… 3,5 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 34 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 270
Sos de arahide Tamaki / Tamaki PRO

Sos de arahide Tamaki / Tamaki PRO

Nut sauce Tamaki will be the best solution for any vegetable salad. Also suitable for rice, fish, pasta. But it's absolutely perfect – nut sauce with Chuka seaweed salad from Tamaki.
Shirataki - SHAPE Tăiței Tagliatelle

Shirataki - SHAPE Tăiței Tagliatelle

Low Carb Shiratki Nudeln. Nur 8g Kohlenhydrate auf 100g. Vegan, Glutenfrei, Fettarm. Keine künstliche Zusatzstoffe. Low-Carb Shirataki Nudeln. Nur 8g Kohlenhydrate auf 100g. Vegan, Fettarm, Glutenfrei, Geschmacksneutral. Die Nudeln sind verzehrfertig, schmecken mit gut gemachter Soße sehr sehr gut und sind durch den löslichen Ballaststoff ( Glucomannan) schnell und langanhaltend sättigend. Keine spezielle Lagerung notwendig.
Kunafa gata de mâncat - Kunafa gătită

Kunafa gata de mâncat - Kunafa gătită

We are again at stage with our new product. This is the first time that a company started to produce cooked Kunafa which you can heat in Microwave in seconds. It comes with 70 ml sherbets. All in all.
Matcha ZEN - Calitate Superfood - Potrivit pentru Îmbunătățirea Preparatelor și Prepararea Băuturilor

Matcha ZEN - Calitate Superfood - Potrivit pentru Îmbunătățirea Preparatelor și Prepararea Băuturilor

Produkt: Bio-Matcha-Grünteepulver Qualität: Superfood-Qualität - für den täglichen Gebrauch Anwendung: Geeignet zum Verfeinern von Speisen und zur Zubereitung von kalten und heißen Getränken. Auch gut für eine klassische Zubereitung in einer Matcha-Schale. Sensorik: Leuchtend grün, leicht herber Geschmack. Art.Nr.: A12-10156 - Pappdose 30g MatchaMagic Label-MOQ: 12 Dosen Private- & White-Label MOQ: 120 Dosen Art.Nr.: A12-10049 - Beutel 100g MatchaMagic Label-MOQ: 10 Beutel Private- & White-Label-MOQ: 100 Beutel Art.Nr.: A12-10170 - Pappdose 100g MatchaMagic Etikett-MOQ: 6 Dosen Private- & White-Label-MOQ: 120 Dosen Zertifikate: JAS-Ökologisch, EG-ÖKO
Chifteluțe de Dovlecel Congelate

Chifteluțe de Dovlecel Congelate

Très rapide d’utilisation, ces beignets de courgettes correspondent parfaitement aux attentes des consommateurs en quête de gain de temps. Ces beignets sont réalisés avec des vrais rondelles de courgettes et une fine pâte croustillante. Idéal chaud ou froid comme un hors d’oeuvre ou en apéritif, ils accompagneront très bien vos viandes, vos poissons ou vos salades. CONDITIONNEMENT:6 x 1 kg = 6 kg
Chifteluțe Umplute cu Brânză de Tofu - Chifteluțe Vegane Umplute cu Brânză de Tofu

Chifteluțe Umplute cu Brânză de Tofu - Chifteluțe Vegane Umplute cu Brânză de Tofu

Katkı maddesiz,doğal ürün içerikli vegandır.Tofu peynir içerikli vefan içli köftedir.Raf ömrü -18 derecede 1 yıldır.Pişmiş ve pişmemiş,istenilen gramajlards taleplere göre üretimi yapılır. Kg lık poşetlerde ve tabaklı ambalajlarda talebe göre üretilir.
Orez Galben (Curry)

Orez Galben (Curry)

Riz Jaune( Curry)
Felii de Ginseng Roșu Coreean cu Miere

Felii de Ginseng Roșu Coreean cu Miere

It is a product made from Korean red ginseng, which is a special product of Korea. It is a food made so that anyone can eat it easily and deliciously regardless by adding honey to Korean red ginseng. Honey sliced korean red ginseng is manufactured by Korean ginseng which is one of the special products, that enables you to enjoy its flavour and taste, and by adding nature honey -steaming and drying korean ginseng with perennial roots, processing and slicing them, and dipping them in natural honey. -Red Ginseng Extract[Solid more than 65%, Saponin more than 70mg/g]: 100% pure concentrated extract from the effective component of Red Ginseng. -Honey: Organic -Content: Large Box : 200g (20g x 10pcs) / -Packing material: paper, polyethylene (inside) -Direction: Take 10g a day ( Before meal is good ) -Storage: Keep in the cold storage or cool place with good ventilation avoiding direct sunlight. -Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture Company Name:FINE GINSENG FT CO.,LTD Place of Origin:South Korea MOQ:1000box
Boabe de cacao - natural

Boabe de cacao - natural

Natural organic raw cocoa beans Net weight:100 g Energy value per 100 g:565 kcal Shelf life:18 months
Nori Tăiat

Nori Tăiat

Kizami Nori is roasted shredded type of Nori which is perfect for adding to your favorite dishes, such as noodles, rice , salad or soup.
Sos de Soia - Gust Clasic de Sos de Soia

Sos de Soia - Gust Clasic de Sos de Soia

Classic soy sauce with traditional taste